Now there are probably hundreds of ways to share your photos with your family and friends. The first step is what do you want to be able to share.
Do you want something for free or are you willing to pay for some extra protection?
Do you just want them to view them?
Do you want them to be able to view and order prints?
Do you want to be able to password protect your galleries?
Do you want people to be able to add to your galleries with their own images?
Do you want people to be able to download full size images?
Do you want to be able to watermark your images?
Do you want to earn a little money selling your images?
Do you want to personalize your gallery with your own logo?
The list goes on. Once you decide what you want your gallery to do for you then it is time to start looking into all the options out there. For me I was willing to spend some money for extra features and I finally narrowed my choices down to smugmug and Zenfolio.
I ultimately chose Zenfolio. I went with the Premium account for $100.00 so I could also use it as a proofing system and maybe make a little money from this hobby of mine. If you go with Zenfolio feel free to use the referral code SQS-B4T-17R to save yourself $5 off your account.
Why did I choose Zenfolio over SmugMug? Simply it offered everything I was looking for and was $50 less. Now SmugMug has some different features but they just were not what I was looking for at the time. Plus Zenfolio seems to be constatntly addign things to their services.
Some of the features I was looking for and got were.
Unlimited Storage
Full size uploads
password protection
batch uploading
custom layouts
can use my own domain name once i get one
Ability to let peopledownload full-size images
Achoice of print labs Mpix or EZ Prints
ability to set my own prices
and many other things..
Can't decide by just reading the features then sign up for the free trial of both and see which one fits you best..
I was looking for a recent comparison of both but could not find one more recent than 2006 but if I find one I will add it here.
SugMug users feel free to share your referral code in the comments section for folks that decide that is the way they want to go.
Search baby
About this blog...
Photography has been a passion of mine for years. It is mainly just a hobby and I am always learning something new. The problem I ran into was there is just so much information out there and I was having a tough time organizing it all and keeping track of fun stuff I was finding. I decided I wanted one place to track all my links and misc information that I could access from anywhere, so I decided to start a blog to keep track of various tips, tricks, links and other information. The added bonus of using a blog is not only could I access it from various locations, I also could share it with others that might be interested. Now seeing that there is constantly new information coming out it is clear that this blog will never cover everything. Oh and please note I realize I am by no means an expert on any of these topics. Think of this blog as a starting point for references to help guide you in your search for the information you need.
Oh and if you are wondering I am a Canon, PC, and Photoshop user. So if things seem skewed that way it is only because that is what I use and not because I feel it is the best option nor what everyone else should be using. Always remember to do your research before buying something. Make sure it is the best thing for you, and that you are buying from a reputable site if you are shopping online.
Enjoy the site and feel free to leave feedback, or suggestions of sections to add.
Oh and if you are wondering I am a Canon, PC, and Photoshop user. So if things seem skewed that way it is only because that is what I use and not because I feel it is the best option nor what everyone else should be using. Always remember to do your research before buying something. Make sure it is the best thing for you, and that you are buying from a reputable site if you are shopping online.
Enjoy the site and feel free to leave feedback, or suggestions of sections to add.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How do I share all my digital images with my family
Posted by
12:23 PM
Labels: online storage, proofing, zenfolio