The quest for the perfect bag is one that many photographers will face. I am still on the search and currently have 5 different bags to prove it. Even after you find one that meets your needs you go and buy more equipment and find you have grown out of your favorite bag before long. I have decided for me there is not one perfect bag for all my needs so I will always have more than one for different occasions.
With more and more women getting into photography the demand for cute or at the very least not quite so ugly camera bags is on the rise. I currently have my eye on the medium Jill-e Bag. I hear they will be coming out with a red bag in the medium size this spring and that may be what pushes me to finally buy one.
For those that are a little more on the creative side they can dress up any bag they find that meets their needs in every way but aesthetically. I am actually in the process of giving my pelican case a face lift.
One really important thing to remember is that you should never sacrifice protection for your gear for a cute bag. You have spent a lot of money for your photography gear so make sure you will get a bag that will protect it.
There are two makers of camera bags that have very similar names. Tracy Joy and Tracy Renae. Keep in mind they are in fact different companies. From what I hear the Tracy Joy bags are super cute but not very well padded, and the Tracy Renae bags are also very cute but have better padding. Although not quite as cute the Crumpler bags are really popular, but not everyone finds them comfortable to carry. I recommend trying out a bag in person before buying it if at all possible.
As you start your quest for the perfect camera bag or bags as the case may be decide what features are most important to you. Do you want a backpack for ease of carrying, do you have so much stuff you need a bag with wheels, do you want one that a laptop will fit in, does it need to fit under the seat on a airplane, or do you need quick and easy access to your gear? These are just a few things to consider.
Getting a camera bag is really about personal preference. It needs to be comfortable to carry, hold the gear you want to carry around, and fit your personal style. Do your homework and share with others your success in finding your perfect bag.
Here are a few of the more popular brands to look into in additon to what has already been mentioned.
Pelican - these are not your everyday cases
Please feel free to share what bag(s) you own and how you feel about them in the comment section for others to learn from.
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About this blog...
Photography has been a passion of mine for years. It is mainly just a hobby and I am always learning something new. The problem I ran into was there is just so much information out there and I was having a tough time organizing it all and keeping track of fun stuff I was finding. I decided I wanted one place to track all my links and misc information that I could access from anywhere, so I decided to start a blog to keep track of various tips, tricks, links and other information. The added bonus of using a blog is not only could I access it from various locations, I also could share it with others that might be interested. Now seeing that there is constantly new information coming out it is clear that this blog will never cover everything. Oh and please note I realize I am by no means an expert on any of these topics. Think of this blog as a starting point for references to help guide you in your search for the information you need.
Oh and if you are wondering I am a Canon, PC, and Photoshop user. So if things seem skewed that way it is only because that is what I use and not because I feel it is the best option nor what everyone else should be using. Always remember to do your research before buying something. Make sure it is the best thing for you, and that you are buying from a reputable site if you are shopping online.
Enjoy the site and feel free to leave feedback, or suggestions of sections to add.
Oh and if you are wondering I am a Canon, PC, and Photoshop user. So if things seem skewed that way it is only because that is what I use and not because I feel it is the best option nor what everyone else should be using. Always remember to do your research before buying something. Make sure it is the best thing for you, and that you are buying from a reputable site if you are shopping online.
Enjoy the site and feel free to leave feedback, or suggestions of sections to add.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Camera Bags
Posted by
9:25 PM
Labels: camera bags, shopping